As property investors, our primary goal is to buy a property that will create wealth – a good rental yield plus strong capital growth. Whether you’re aiming for negative or positive gearing, the goal is to gain financially from the investment.
So the key is to buy well, manage well and sell well.
Let’s take a look at buying well. Sometimes, the best investment opportunities are right at our back door. We love them because we know the market, we can see what we’re buying and we feel pretty confident that we know what we’re getting into.
But this isn’t always the case and it’s a good thing to spread our net wider before you make your decision. You don’t just want a good investment. You want a great investment.
To find that great investment you need to have a look at markets all around the country.
What you’re looking for depends on your financial goals and your budget – so spend some time clarifying those before you begin your research.
The things that the experts are looking for are:
Read the full article in Australian Property Investor by following this link.